Prior to this restoration that I’m undertaking on this website, the domain was owned by Jeanie Marshall. Currently she can be located on I haven’t been through much of her work, and I didn’t know her prior to the purchase of this domain, but it is evident that she is quiet an inspiring and motivating person based from her work that was previously posted on this site which I traced on the wayback machine.
Nonetheless, I will attest to the fact that I’m a believer of personal development. I belong to that classical school of thought which believes that successful and influential people are what they are because of their ability to embrace personal growth and development; which eventually sets a walkway to achieving ones ambitions and ultimately enables one to live to his/her dreams because of the innate motivation and courage that one benefits from personal growth.
However, I believe that as much as we work hard and endeavor to be successful in our education, career or business; so should we endeavor to develop the inner person in us so that we can become better motivated in all areas which touch our lives; marriage, friendship etc.
In my perception
Personal development is a matter of rewarding the inner being in you with motivational and inspiring material; just the same way that you would rush to buy an elegant suit. Perhaps enjoy a delicious meal at your favorite joint when the paycheck arrives at the end of the month.
Personal growth and development plays a major role in our lives; especially during those trying times which can easily break a person. Think of a situation where you or someone in your family or a friend has a terminal disease. The thought that you won’t be with them for long becomes so disturbing; maybe a scenario whereby you lost your job; you have bills piling and the mortgage man knocking at your door.
Such are trying times when you don’t need consolation as most of us turn to but motivation as well as inspiration; so that you can be at a position to rise back to your feet and try to contain the situation. Or probably have the positive mind to seek feasible solutions. As I repurpose this site; I will be adding more inspiration content; which will most probably be an eye-opener.
In the meantime, pay Jeannie a visit.
Recent Posts:
How Yoga Helped Improved the Quality of my Life
Life is full of hurdles and our day-to-day routine can put pressure on us that we feel much burdened and shattered. Every event in our lives sets a different emotion in us. At times, these emotions can overwhelm us. As we struggle to ensure that our lives and those of our loved ones is the best we pile pressure in our brains. The anxiety of working extra hard so as to get a promotion or to achieve ambitions may be at exerting stress in our lives; which most of the time we never realize.
Therefore, it is advisable to schedule some time for meditation so that our brains can be at ease and get rejuvenated. While attending yoga sessions last year; I realized the potential of meditation in our lives. Prior to that it had never occurred to me that meditation could help calm my mind and help me in any rational thinking. Actually I saw no benefit in yoga or anything to do with meditation until I accompanied my co-worker, Janet to a yoga session.
The trainer at the center was very lovely and welcoming
Nicely as she did, she invited me to join them. But I declined choosing to read some magazine there as I waited for my friend to finish his sessions. Then she had told the class that people don’t always yoga for meditation; they also figured it’s a great stretching exercise that will shed some inches in your stomach area. Who knew, right? Among the magazine at the centre was one which features success stories about people who had undertaken yoga which eventually changed their lives.
Nevertheless, I perused through the magazine just to pass time. But I stumbled on a story of a 12 year old girl who had been a victim of rape. But through meditation, she was able to overcome the trauma that she had gone through. The story was so touching and left me contemplating more about mediation. After the yoga session, my friend and I left and on the way we discussed more about the need of meditating in our lives. As convincing Janet was, she made me revisit my prejudice about the whole meditation issue.
Regular Meditating Can Help Improve Concentration
Among the benefits of I particularly wanted to find out how one of them works. I wanted to improve my concentration. Being a lady who most of the times gets distracted and loses focus in whatever I’m doing; to an extent that at times I quit my dreams half-way; the urge of beginning meditation sprouted in me.
That evening after work, I again accompanied Janet to her yoga sessions where I had a chat with the trainer. We had a lengthy talk and I was convinced that I needed to start the sessions. I did so after a week.
Through the instructions and guidance; However, I started the course which was to go on for the next 30 days. I was advice to adhere to the program by sacrificing to attend all the sessions so that I could see the potential of the whole thing. With that said, I realized that I was getting more focused at work and I could even multi-task remarkably without losing attention.
But I was determined for more. So after the first session was over; I decided to continue meditating each day after work and see what more was in store for me.
Taking a Step Towards Happiness
Soon, I realized that I was becoming more discipline and was even leading a better lifestyle. The mediation helped me make decisions and be ready to defend them because they made me become more aware of myself and what I wanted in life. However, then I realized that I could be anyone whom I wanted to be if I became more disciplined.
Eventually, happiness and self-satisfactions started rolling in and in a nut-shell; I couldn’t help. But marvel at the great decision that I had made to be part of the meditation team when I paid for my initial course.
How do we Reshape Our Destiny
In life we face so many challenges attributed by the daily situations which grace our lives. Human beings are prone to error. We are all victims of mistake as a result of our decisions; most of which we make with the ultimate goal of being successful. Along with our utmost good faith.
Being human, and in a world where we all yearn to be successful; have a happy family and progress well in our careers; it will require us at one point or another to make a decision; which positively affects us in our lives. A decision that will not only touch our lives but at the end will prove versatile in shaping our lives, lifestyle and amongst all our future; our destiny.
Nonetheless, we all have been down that road at one point in time. And we all have faced challenges in most of our day; today tasks and in our quest to make it in whatever that we are involve in; and we have to compromise our ‘standards’ at maybe bow to the pressures that find their way into what we are doing. That’s why anybody can easily make a mistake. As humans we were born imperfect. However, we are faced with some gruesome imperfections that flavor our lives. But at the end leave us grumbling, angered and disappointed at the choices that we got ourselves into.
There’s Always a Better Way out of Your Miseries
But I’m yet to meet at a person who derives pleasure at his/her miseries. At a matter of fact, the woes that we experience in life are there to discourage us and to bring the mighty mammoth in us down. It would be silly to marvel at the decisions or imperfections that may have brought you down; no matter how much you prevailed to be strong.
Only, if at all the predicament facing you made you strong or had a lesson; which makes you realize a point and sets a vital background for your future success. Then there’s no joy for the happenings in your life.
All in all, you have to overcome all this if at all we have to set a precedent in our lives; which will better the future. But going down that road isn’t easy either. Not after the downtrodden, misery and humiliation that our negative decisions would have impacted on us.
To rise up and be part of ‘normality’ is not an easy task as you may have presumed. It requires a lot of toil and efforts to realize the mistake and damage done; and maybe double those efforts to move on and start afresh. Sounds difficult, doesn’t it? But there’s always a better way out.
Overcoming Frustrations and Rebuilding Yourself
After a surmountable array of frustrations and disappointment; humans are known to make it back to the drama stage; you want to recollect yourself and get over the bad situation that ruined your life. Maybe even deteriorated that of others. That too is much of a task in a much efforts as you may never imagine. However, there are values that you may possess; which may make it easier for you to go through all this. It might be an overload strain but in the end it pays.
In every element of what you are involved in; it will always take time for you to realize the fruition of your labor. This call for time in between you must be observant of the positive sings that you are heading the right direction.
This may induce you to journal all the occasions and activities that re-correct the damaging decision(s) that you have made. Take time to analyze what went wrong and where and the necessary amendments(s are needed); that could remodel the whole idea; and turn the tables around. That brings us to the next big aspect.
Go Back to the Drawing Board
Never let your life be confined or be defined by the bad decision that you make. A decision is deemed as a bad one once it yields negative results. Once you realize that is never going to work as earlier anticipated; then it is time that you sought another route. Hint; never go for a shortcut. It could be equally or more damaging than what you have already experienced.
The best thing to do in this tricky situation as much as discouraging as it would seem; maybe costly and not time-effective; is to get back to the daring board. You need to revisit your decision and analyze where you went wrong. Moreover, you have to admit your mistake; as well as the fact that you’re ready to move on. That, and only then will you be at a position to move on. This means that you will be at a position to find the error and make a better decision which is factual and much practical to alter you ambitions in your preference.
Get Advice from Professionals
Once you are ready to revisit your decision and make amends; it means that you are ready for a new life. But yet again you are prone to misleading decisions. This calls for you to seek professional advice so that you can land at a ground; which is favorable.
Whether you are involved at making inappropriate business decisions; or they pertain your marital life, seeking guidance and counseling from professional in that field is paramount. This is because then can you be at a better position to not only look back; but visualize the where you are heading too. You want to be moving towards the accomplishment of your objectives.
The above values may be inconclusive. But above all they are core to the revival of the nature of any human in the approach of negative decisions made in the course of seeking success in life.
How to Overcome Barriers in your Life
Do you have a minute to spare? Maybe that is all that is needed from you to salvage a damaging situation that may be ruining your life. In essence, it might be the last straw that would save and improve on the quality of your life. It might not necessarily to improve to a minute but a couple of them would do some wonders.
In mankind’s search for a better future; we are faced with so many obstacles which prevent us from accomplishing out much desired values and dreams. There are multiple times that we face challenges; which impede our growth and development and derail the achievement of our objectives. That’s means that the success that you much yearned for may be far from reach; which hypothetically means that you may, after all; never even realize. It means that your life is doomed if you do not shed off the extra weight which is derailing you from achieving your dreams.
Time Consciousness Can Help Improve the Quality of your Dreams
Getting past these obstacles may not be as easy as it may sound. Foremost is the issue of time that you like many other individuals in this immense planet take in consideration in determining the accomplishment of the set goals. Investors talk about the time-value of money as they assess their decisions.
Students in an exam room laments that if they had enough time to study for the exams they would have performed much better. Business organizations determine their returns on a given period of time that they have been in operation. All that shows the importance of time in the attainment of set objectives in ones activity.
However, as much as time determines the quality of anything, it is never renewable in the sense that each minute that goes into wastage is never recovered. The best thing that you can make for this ‘commodity’ to work for you favorably is through proper management of time.
The scarce period that you need before achieving your goals need to be well determined, documented and properly timed for with strict adherence to the schedule of activities involved so as to realize a meaningful objective. This calls for proper overseeing to determine that each activity went as scheduled without any interference.
If time is properly managed, then; and only then will you be at a position to realize your dreams based on the scheduled grace period of time. This is not only effective and beneficial but will leave you with abundant time to work on other projects without fear of the unknown.
Have a Positive Focus in all Your Work
Life has got so many detractors; which or whom may try to bring you down the very moment that your head pops up. There are people in this world whose deceit, dishonest and immoral ambitions will be to ensure that you don’t make it. They will try all they can to ensure that you are demoralized and distracted from what you are doing; not matter how good or beneficial it might be.
At a point in my personal life while working as a sales person for an insurance company, I encountered the likes of these detractors. They seemed draw happiness as they tried to bring me down. But by ignoring them and listening to my inner self; I was able to overcome their insinuating demoralization.
You will have to learn to accept online positive criticism; which hypothetically works to better the quality of your work; while at the same time disregarding all that that doesn’t add any value or progress in whatever you are doing.
That calls for you to be focused and attentive of the needs of the industry that you are involved in; as opposed to how others (detractors) believe about you or the industry.
Be Yourself but Avoid Standing Alone
Because of the dishonesty and negative ambitions of most people, it always advisable to be yourself. I’m talking about talking about that inner feeling in you which yearn to see you successful. That personality that cheers when something positive is achieved; that guidance and strength which keeps you going when you are down.
You need to listen to that encouraging voice which soothes you when you fail but at the same time encourages you to give it a try. That is what you need as opposed to listening to idle talk of pessimist.
However, don’t be quick to judge everyone who corrects you as a pessimist. At one or another time in our lives we have to have a shoulder to lean on.
Great leaders, since the time of Abraham and Moses, have known the power of relying on that which or who is knowledgeable. In whatever you do, you need a model who ‘knows-it-all’; to give you hints and clues on what is expected of you. By listening to such kind, not only will you learn but develop and nurture skills which will promote your venture positively in future.
Improving the Quality of Life
There are so many instances in life that may happen to you and take you down by a storm. However, we all got a share of mishaps that we would rather keep to ourselves that opening up to others. We oft have a time when we don’t know how the ones that we confide to will be any help to us. Above all, after confiding, as humans we believe that we have opened up our reputation for scrutiny and consequently ridicule and criticism; which may be even tougher to deal with.
Be that as it may, I have been on that road; I been there, done that. The sarcastic thing about this all is that I’m a psychologist; who has been in operation for about 5 years offering my services to people with marital problems. However, I too have my own problems.
Last year was one of the worst days throughout my entire career. My woes started when I was sued in the court of law by a client a year before. The ruling last year left a big damage to my reputation. I don’t wanna go to details of what the entire hullabaloo was. But in a way I was the one on the wrong. Nonetheless I must have been lucky to escape without having my operating license stripped off me, but the whole predicament had a negative impact on my life as well as my career. Though I never, got away with the hefty fine and damages penalized.
Difficult Times Can Easily make you Lose Focus
For the next 5 months, it became much difficult for me to get a client. It seemed as if they all had this notion that I was not good enough for them. Yeah, I had made a mistake, and each of us does. But having no one to trust you again makes life difficult. No matter how much I tried; even selling myself in churches during the congregational testimonies as I tried to prove that I was a changed man. Nothing seemed to work.
As days went by, life became miserable for me and my family. At one point or another I felt that even my wife had lost hope in me. However, I was contributing almost nothing to cater for the domestic bills and everything that involved money seemed to get out of my hands. I couldn’t even afford a decent gift for my daughter when she turned 3.
The single fact that I was a psychologist was enough to help my situation. With each day, I was becoming pathetic. I started losing hope. Fear crept in. I could feel it in everything that I did especially that which had an attachment of a monetary value.
By that time, the property managers of the building that my office was located were becoming impatient each day and wanted me out. I hadn’t been paying my rental charges.
Time is the Mother of Hope. You have to be Patient
One Wednesday morning, still on the verge of despair, I received a phone call. When the phone rang, my first thought was some due payment being requested. I let the phone ring for a while as I formulated an excuse to make in case I was being called for defaulting something. When I gained some confidence, I picked it up.
Guess what, it was a client. The lady on the phone (I later came to learn that she also attended the same church with me) had marital problems with her husband. Apparently, she had put on more weight and the body fitness issues were creating a rift in her family. She needed advice. I won’t go to more details about this but she had this fear that her she wasn’t making her husband happy and their marriage was in the verge of dissolution.
She was so unhappy that she felt as if she had already signed her divorce papers by not checking on her diet as she had promised her husband who in turn found her unattractive and didn’t want to be involved with her in anything beyond the scope of their house. Her husband was a very wealthy and influential person who mostly attended various events for the organization but never wanted to do so with her wife because of that. The good thing is that he was willing to give her time.
The Wait may be Long, But it is Worthy Your Efforts
I saw no negligence on the part of that lady so I knew that I could handle the situation comfortably. However, I needed to meet both of them and for the next two months, I had scheduled meeting with them where we worked out a plan to solve the situation. Not only did all that keep me occupied but at the end it all gave me life.
The lady was very responsive to the diet and >exercises that I recommended to her and she was doing fine with no time. The husband was also all supportive all through and did everything to ensure that her wife adhered and succeeded. While handling the situation, I also realized that my situation was no different to my clients, I just had to be patient and do all I can to change it.
I rebuilt my reputation while working with them as well as I gained more confidence whenever I saw positive progress. By the time that I was done with the couple; actually they paid me handsomely; I was so happy because I felt renewed energy in me. I’m also glad because even after this they referee some clients to me and soon I was back on my feet.
Click here to check out the next page; which is all about Society and Equality.